Discuz!X 1.5 English UTF-8

Открыть в новом окне Let me bring to your attention my own version of the localized ENGLISH Version of Discuz!X v.1.5.

Discuz!X v.1.5 English Version.

The latest official release of Discuz!X 1.5 is 2011-06-27.
The latest official release of Discuz!X 1.5 is 2011-08-17.

You can see the latest English Discuz!X1.5  live demo at this URL:

1. All the language files translated to English
2. Added a javascript language file (English)
3. All the javascript files modified for Multi Language usage
4. All the images translated to English
   (You can find the Photoshop images in /PSD/ directory)
5. All other files translated to English (.sql, .xml, .css, etc.)
6. Database structure modified for european languages (most of fields expanded)
7. Some styles modified for more wider European fields
8. UCenter totally translated to English
9. Upgrade/Convert utilities translated to English
10. All Discuz!X "readme/" files translated to English
11. UCenter API Development Guide translated to English
12. All the Chinese strings  encoded with HTML code like &#NNNN; Translated to English
13. All the PHP/JS/CSS comments translated to English
14. RELEASE 20110817 - All the regions data (China Provinces/Cities/Districts/Villages) translated to English

/data/ipdata/tinyipdata.dat - the correspondence between IP adress range and country name

SVN code repository:

You are welcome with your bugreports here:

Download Discuz!X v.1.5 English Version for free:

If you want to donate my hard job of translating the Discuz!X,
you can send some money to my account:
Yandex.Money: 41001151000887 for Russian Roubles
WebMoney: R217858692650 for Russian Roubles
WebMoney: Z306106786886 for USD

It would be nice if you report me your contacts (Email, ICQ, Jabber or Skype)!
Источник: : Оригинал Обратные ссылки(2) Просмотров(81103)
Article «Discuz!X 1.5 English UTF-8» has 5 comments
FlavioV said:
2011-8-2 18:38 Homepage
http://anytunes.cz.cc/tryout/forum.phpactually my base forum runs the January release, so I've installed the latest at the tryout folder for you to see...any original Discuz! or other of your releases works fine... this one has the new thread problem that's being so annoying
vot Дата ответа 2011-8-4 18:26:
Get this file: http://china.sources.ru/download/discuzx/header_common.rar
extract it, move to /template/default/common/
and then CLEAN a CACHE from Admin-Center!
FlavioV said:
2011-7-29 17:49 Homepage
Still happens! ): http://tinypic.com/r/jq44ew/7
vot Дата ответа 2011-7-30 13:01:
Give me your site URL for check the page code
FlavioV said:
2011-7-28 20:28 Homepage
I've installed your release at my forum, but when I try to create a new thread the new thread box doesn't appear. It doesn't happens at the original updated 1.5.Gonna try one of your outdated releases...
vot Дата ответа 2011-7-29 07:50:
Thank you for this bugreport!
Edit the /static/js/js_lang.js:
1) Comment the line 207
//  'submit'    : 'Submit',
2) Remove the ending comma at the line 520:
'fiction'  : ''
vot said:
2011-5-13 13:27 Homepage
Русским переводом я не занимался.
Русский можно купить у других локализаторов.
Поищите в гугле "Russian Discuz".
knz said:
2011-2-20 23:55 Homepage
and in Russian there???
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