ECShop - Open Source Shop Engine

Открыть в новом окне ECShop is a powerfull Open Source e-Commerce Platform.
This engine is the most popular online shopping software in South-East Asia region countries. For example, Motorola and Nokia uses ECShop for their hosts in China:,

ECShop project was started by Comsenz Inc. and since 2009 continued by

ECShop engine features:
· Open source
· Stable and optimized code
· Efficiency and safe load capacity
· Perfect for individual online shop and enterprise E-commerce
· Flexible and powerful templates
· Powerful search engine optimization (meta keywords and descriprion, sitemap, static URLs)
· Ajax driven
· Periodical cron sheduled tasks
· Anti-spam protection (Captcha)
· Powerfull access permission system
· Integration with some forum engines like Discuz, VB, IPB

ECShop functional features:
· Real and virtual products (like software or PIN-codes)
· Unlimited product categories
· Unlimited product attributes
· Product Tags
· Product gallery with watermarks and auto-thumbnails
· Product manufacturers
· Product relations
· Product rating
· Product import/export in CSV format
· Individual purchase and wholesales
· Time dependent publications
· News, Articles, announces and notifications
· Multiple delivery methods (courier, post, express-post)
· Multiple payment types
· Integrated gateways for most popular Payment Systems (such as COD, Bank, PayPal, Alipay, Tenpay, etc.)
· Unlimited delivery regions (country/state/city)
· Links and advertizing
· Sales and promo-actions (gifts, discounts, auctions, coupons, point bonuses)
· Order management
· Customer management

Required environment:
· PHP v.5.0+
· MySQL v. 5.0 +
· File locking feature
· GD library
· mbstring, iconv, fsockopen support
· Recommended browsers: IE7+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome

The latest official version is ECShop V2.7.2 Release 0604

Official site:
Download page:
Official discussion board:
For DEMO search for "powered by ecshop" in Google or other search portals.

Russian support and localization:

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Article «ECShop - Open Source Shop Engine» has 1 comments
visual said:
2012-1-1 20:43
А хорошую доску объявлений (не магазин, а людскую) на этом движке можно построить? На подобие Jocker Board или Elite Board?
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